Map of Scandinavia

Map of Scandinavia

Monday, August 3, 2015

North Cape and Kristiansund, Norway

After a day at sea we left Russian waters and arrived at the very norrthernmost city in Norway, Honningsvaag which is very near North Cape. The weather was cloudy, times of heavy fog, and on-and-off drizzle. We talked to a sales clerk in one of the souvenir shops, and she said the weather was typical summer weather. Oh well!!!
There wasn't a lot to see or do in Honningsvaag, so we climbed up to a hill overlooking the harbor. You can see the type of weather we had to deal with for roughly the last two weeks.

We were here on a Saturday, but there still was not a lot of movement in the city. Here you can see a bit of the fjord with the Barents Sea in the upper left corner.

This is the view we had after a day at sea while entering the harbor in Kristiansund, Norway. There was a definite note of enthusiasm among the passengers and crew during breakfast because of the sunny skies.

This is where we tied up at the pier in Kristiansund. If you look closely, you can see all the tires along the pier. We were here from 11:00 until 19:00. The town is actually made up of several islands.

Across from our pier is the island of Old Town or Innlandet. As we pulled into the harbor, someone shot off a cannon three times. If you look closely, you can see the smoke in the right center of this photo. There is a good lookout point where the cannon is located, and we headed to this point after docking.

This bridge connects the island of Innlandet with Kirkelandet where the pier is located. Off in the distance and across the fjord you can see mountains with snow!

As we walked across the bridge (in the photo above) we looked back at our ship and across the harbor to another island, Nordlandet.

Here's a shot taken from up by where the cannons are located. Our ship is docked at Kirkelandet, and we are looking at it from Innlandet.

Here's a shot of Nordlandet taken from the Old Town Innlandet. There didn't seem to be a lot of commercial buildings. Everywhere we looked there were houses and this church.

Finally, here's a video clip taken from the lookout point looking back at the main part of town.